I confess that I have been avoiding this blog not only because of the holidays, but also because I have some fear about being so vulnerable on a blog that is available to anyone and everyone. When I told one of my friends about my secret adventure in songwriting blog (I have only told a hand full of people) she was concerned about people "stealing" my songs. I had to just sit on that thought for a while and return to my purpose in writing this blog. I still have some much to learn about how to use modern technology, but when it comes right down to it, my purposes are really basic. All I want to do is journal my experiences in songwriting and share them with others. It is that simple. There will
always be feelings of fear and vulnerability tucked aways somewhere. That is what songwriting is all about. So, with that in mind, I am here to catch up on my "songwriting" experiences.
First, I have been sitting down and arranging all kinds of church songs from my congregational hymnbook. It is so much fun to take well known songs, sit down at the piano and see what comes out of my mind. I am looking forward to recording these and putting them on the blog. As a homeschooler of a 5th grader and mother of two, though, time is limited. As I get better at the technical part of recording and sharing I am sure I will be putting a lot more on the site.
Second, I went to a recording studio and made a scratch track of my song "Fly". What an emotional roller coaster that day was. The appointment was set for Friday December 27th. Right in the middle of holiday chaos and in the middle of out-of-town visitors staying at our home for 10 days. I found the emotional tension, inside me, building to quite a height as I woke Friday morning to head off to the studio. Because it was a scratch track I only recorded the piano once and the vocals twice, but it was good to just get a feel for what it was all about. This was my first time with this particular producer and I was slightly intimidated. I hope to get the recording on this website so you can see how the song grows and progresses. I would love to hear what your thoughts. If you get the chance please do leave comments.
Third, I got an email from a local record company on Wednesday about a songwriting seminar coming up in a few weeks. There is an opportunity to audition for an all-star open mic fight and I have been trying to get a few recordings together for that purpose. When ever something like this comes up I find that my excitement tends to get out of hand and I am tempted to let go of other responsibilities in my life. I did start my day with prayer and study, this morning, though, so hopefully I don't get too off track.
So, on that note I am back to homeschooling. Time to wake up my son who would sleep all day long if I would let him. Here is to happy songwriting. :)
Here is Fly with an added drum idea....