Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Braces, and Doctors and School Oh My

Doctors appointments, new braces, end of the school year events for public schooled children as well as my own homeschooling end of the year events, have taken over life for the moment.  I have also been spending a lot of time getting ready for the One Horizon Reunion concert next month (see post from May 9th HERE).  It seems all of my time is going in so many different directions that I don't anticipate being able to put any posts out on this blog until I am finished with the concert in June.  I hope all of you songwriters out there are having oodles of success with your creativity.  Please share your work.  Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Jonny Diaz

What a talented musician and songwriter!!!  Johnny Diaz is originally from Lakeland, Florida.  After heading off to college with a professional baseball player goal in mind, he felt led in a different direction.  His faith in God was a big influence in this change.  He is now an American Contemporary Christian Pop artist as a result of his change in direction.  I hope you enjoy my choice of songs here.  "Because of You" captures his feelings of gratitude for parenting.  

There are so many great songs that he has written.  I hope you check them all out.  I am so glad that I was able to find another talented family friendly musician.  Please let me know if you have any other recommendations for Take Note Tuesday posts in the future.  Until next time.... happy songwriting.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Gearing up for a One Horizon Reunion 2016

Making music together since 2005, One Horizon has made a tradition for the past 5 years to come together, from across the country, to put on a summer concert.  We are excited to announce that the location for this year's reunion performance, Tuesday June 21st, will be at the  Brigham Young Historical Park in Salt Lake City Utah!!!  Thank you Temple Square for working with us and providing such a wonderful location for us to share our music.

Because this performance is just a little over a month away, my next few blog posts will be focused on this songwriting event.  This year all three vocalists, including myself, will be sharing original songs that warm the heart and uplift the spirit.  It should be a great experience for all ages.  Please come and check out One Horizon June 21st at 7:30.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Anthem Lights

Hailing from Nashville, Tennesse, Chad, Caleb, Spencer and Joey are talented musicians that release cover songs on youtube regularly.  They also write their own music.  The majority of their earlier compositions were Christian based.  However, their later work seems to have become more mainstream.

What a great family friendly band!!  Check out one of their original song, "On Top of the World" below: