Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Memoirs: A Song from the Soundtrack of Life

For as long as I can remember I have had a personal soundtrack, of sorts, to accompany me throughout my life.  All the events of my life, from the major to minor, have had some sort of song to go along with it.  Where does this soundtrack come from?  Certainly not an 8 track cassette or even an MP3 download.  This soundtrack is all inside my mind.  Most songs are songs I have heard on the radio or played on the piano, but there are times when I have had songs that creep inside my mind that are all their own.  I am not even sure I can say that I have been the creator or composer of these exquisite beauties, but somehow they just seem to appear in my mind and follow me across a span of many days and then vanish, never to return.  One such song appeared in my mind this past Friday morning as I awoke for the day.  It was so hauntingly beautiful I quickly made my way to my piano so that I could record the sounds in my mind before they left me.  This is a sample of the song.  For now I am calling it "The Ghost of a Loved One".  Click HERE to listen to it.

“Creative Thinking Concept” by hyena reality from

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