Friday, December 6, 2013

A Mother's Closet

Being a wife and mother is my top priority right now.  Having special needs children and unique circumstances makes time management very tricky.  When I married my husband, 16 years ago, I was very planned and organized almost every moment of the day.  I have since come to appreciate the beauty of spontaneous creativity and flexibility with my time.  I am very cautious about what kind of commitments I make, because I know how important it is to be calm in parenting and allow myself the space to be inspired by the Lord.  One thing I have been wanting to do so badly since I wrote my last post is get a very simple recording off of my garage band program of the latest arrangement I made of 'O Come All Ye Faithful'.  With Thanksgiving and out of town guests it just hasn't happened.  There have been many early mornings I could have made recordings, but I didn't want to wake up the whole household at 4AM.  So here I am giving you an update of what it takes for me to make a goal like this in songwriting happen.

It is kind of comical really.  The few times I have attempted to make a recording with my garage band program I have started by recording the piano part first.  It is mostly memorized so I just follow a few scribbled notes on a piece of paper.  When I am completely focused on the notes and my memorization I can play the whole song without problems, for the most part.  But then, when I add in all of the interruptions from my children, husband, neighbors, noisy household interferences etc.  I can't seem to get a recording that I am happy with.

SO, on Wednesday I got a full piano recording with only 2 wrong chords in it and I thought I would just forget about the mistakes and take it to the next level and try to record my singing.  I went to my bedroom closet thinking it would be the best place for quality sound.  Locking the bedroom door I headed to my sanctuary with the lights off because of how noisy they are when I turn them on.  I didn't tell anyone because I felt like I had a better chance of not getting interrupted.  So here I am in the closet hoping I can remember the lyrics and trying not to worry about what may be happening outside my bedroom door and I begin to sing.  There are so many things that I want to accomplish with my singing.  One of the biggest being the capturing of the true meaning of the lyrics.  This is quite the task given all of the odds that are working against me.  I feel I should add here that I homeschool one of my children so this recording time is taking place at around 4:45 in the afternoon, just before dinner preparations.  Trying to record during homeschool has proven to be a nightmare.  Anyways, I finished one recording and didn't even have time to finish listening to it when I heard a knock at the door.  I think my husband thought me quite strange when I opened the door with a laptop in my hands and a guilty look on my face.  No, I wasn't binging on the kids halloween candy I was binging on a moment with music in a darkened closet.  So it is in the world of mothering, our closets are sometimes our only places of refuge.

Needless to say, the recording was not quite the product I am ready to share with you yet, but I think I would like to share a preview of the first verse, because I was happy with that part.  Enjoy!

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