Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Kensington Prairie

Summer 2016 was an amazing oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation!!!  Having said that, it is good to get back to the routine of homeschooling.

To bid farewell to summer, as well as show my gratitude for having been blessed with so much relaxation this summer, I would like to showcase a band that has had calming affect upon me over the last few weeks.

I first heard Kensington Prairie's music  when their song was played in one of the episodes of the T.V. show "Heartland".  They are a Canadian, indie, folk band from Grimsby, Ontario where they also participate in another band called Maplewood Lane.  The song I would like to share with you today is called "Open Country".

I absolutely LOVE this song!!  The lyrics are beautiful and the sound is completely uplifting and relaxing.  I would love to know your thoughts.  Please share in the comments below.

Until next time ....Happy Song Writing!

To listen to "Open Country" Here.

Tulip Field Background by Petr Kratochvil from All-Free-Download.com

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Morning Thoughts:" In God We Trust"

Image courtesy of nixxphotography at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Ever since I took a break from blogging in May, I have found it hard to make time to return to it, especially while trying to keep my children a number one priority during summer vacation.  But, this morning I woke with thoughts that I just had to share.  These thoughts are not set to music, yet.  But I believe they are worth sharing.  In fact, if any of you feel inspired with a tune for these words, I would love to hear.  Please share.  The thoughts came to me in the form of a poem of sorts.  Here it is:

Trust in God
by Catrina Baum

I believe in God

I believe that if I put my trust in God I will be o.k.

I believe that there are a lot of problems in our Country today.

I believe all of these problems could eventually be solved if we, as a people, honestly and truly put our trust in God.

I believe the reason this Country was born is because the Founding Fathers believed that if they put their trust in God they would be ok.

I believe that the patriotism that burns in the hearts of the people of this Country blazes because, whether they know it or not, God is the source of their flame.

I believe that those who have died for this Country have done so because somewhere, deep down, they believed that this Country stands for something of worth….

And I believe that this worth comes from valuing God in whom it is essential we trust.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Braces, and Doctors and School Oh My

Doctors appointments, new braces, end of the school year events for public schooled children as well as my own homeschooling end of the year events, have taken over life for the moment.  I have also been spending a lot of time getting ready for the One Horizon Reunion concert next month (see post from May 9th HERE).  It seems all of my time is going in so many different directions that I don't anticipate being able to put any posts out on this blog until I am finished with the concert in June.  I hope all of you songwriters out there are having oodles of success with your creativity.  Please share your work.  Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Jonny Diaz

What a talented musician and songwriter!!!  Johnny Diaz is originally from Lakeland, Florida.  After heading off to college with a professional baseball player goal in mind, he felt led in a different direction.  His faith in God was a big influence in this change.  He is now an American Contemporary Christian Pop artist as a result of his change in direction.  I hope you enjoy my choice of songs here.  "Because of You" captures his feelings of gratitude for parenting.  

There are so many great songs that he has written.  I hope you check them all out.  I am so glad that I was able to find another talented family friendly musician.  Please let me know if you have any other recommendations for Take Note Tuesday posts in the future.  Until next time.... happy songwriting.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Gearing up for a One Horizon Reunion 2016

Making music together since 2005, One Horizon has made a tradition for the past 5 years to come together, from across the country, to put on a summer concert.  We are excited to announce that the location for this year's reunion performance, Tuesday June 21st, will be at the  Brigham Young Historical Park in Salt Lake City Utah!!!  Thank you Temple Square for working with us and providing such a wonderful location for us to share our music.

Because this performance is just a little over a month away, my next few blog posts will be focused on this songwriting event.  This year all three vocalists, including myself, will be sharing original songs that warm the heart and uplift the spirit.  It should be a great experience for all ages.  Please come and check out One Horizon June 21st at 7:30.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Anthem Lights

Hailing from Nashville, Tennesse, Chad, Caleb, Spencer and Joey are talented musicians that release cover songs on youtube regularly.  They also write their own music.  The majority of their earlier compositions were Christian based.  However, their later work seems to have become more mainstream.

What a great family friendly band!!  Check out one of their original song, "On Top of the World" below:

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Boyce Avenue

Cover songs have a way of bringing unknown bands into the spotlight, but their own original songs are what keep them there.  Boyce Avenue happens to be one of those bands with a knack for doing cover songs.  One of their latest original songs, "Be Somebody" is at the top of my list of favorites, though.  I think it has a good message.  I myself am encouraged to be bold in pursuit of my dreams and goals as I listen to this song.

This band of brothers was formed in 2004 after all three of them finished pursuing their educational goals.  Daniel, Fabian and Alejandro are from Sarasota, Florida.  They are currently scheduled to tour cities across the United States in September and October of this year.  Check out their video collaboration for the song "Be Somebody" below.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Creativity in a Spirit of FAITH

Ever since I was a little girl, I have possessed a belief in something bigger than myself.  Over time, this FAITH has never diminished.  It has brought me peace, hope and courage; even helping me face one of my biggest fears: creating and sharing music with others.  I know this love of music somehow stems from the creator of my soul.  A tender touch of respect and gratitude toward God is what further leads me to improve upon it.  Drawn to discover similar sparks of divinity in everyone I encounter, I thrill to see others talents and watch them grow.  This notion, is what causes my nervous and often shaky knees to stand and share amid possible jeers and indifference.

When I create music I try not to limit myself to one genre. The vehicle by which beauty and love from within are transported to someone else's heart should not be discriminated against.  My attempts are repeatedly exhilarating, exhausting and terrifying causing me to feel alive and completely undone all at the same time.

This week I had the privilege of working with a friend who came to me with any idea for a song one week before she wanted to perform it in front of a congregation of ladies for a special Women's Conference.  To say the task seemed daunting is an overstatement, but it felt right.  It came together so smoothly we felt a divine hand had to have been in it.  I made a home recording of the song to help prepare for the performance of it.  Here is a portion of that rough draft.  The song is called "Stand" by Candice L.  I hope you all enjoy it.  Until next time... Happy Songwriting!!

Click HERE to listen to a sample of Stand by Candice L.

“Dark Thundercloud On Summer Day” by radiant
I love the way this photo goes so well with some of the lyrics, "Stand Strong, hold on, though the winds may blow, yet I will guard you."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Amanda Ryan

My search for today's quality family friendly artist took me high and low.  I think I just get lucky some days, and others days I reach dead end after dead end.  Today's artist is a very talented vocalist and songwriter from Texas.  I really enjoy listening to her voice and look forward to hearing more from her.  Check out two versions of her song "Your Last Name" below.  So creative!!

To hear more original songs by Amanda Ryan click HERE.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Too old or not too old.... that is the question

To listen to "Just Fine", an original song by Catrina Baum, by click  HERE.

Am I too old to do this sort of thing, I muse to myself.  Maybe, but I still find myself returning to an even bigger idea.... even if I am it doesn't matter.  I almost feel like the reason I feel so driven to do this is because it is something I should have done long ago and didn't have enough guts to do it.  Now I just want to prove to myself and the world that I can.  I am sure this will not be the last time I have to face this question.  I think I face it almost every day when I go to work on any new music project, but it feels good to put these statements in writing because, ultimately, I strongly feel that any talent we might possess in this life is meant to be grown and the only way we can grow is by putting ourselves in vulnerable places and overcoming our fears.

 So what kind of fears did I face this week?  Well, for starters I performed one of my new original songs at a talent show.  This song is one that I actually shared a few months ago with a guitar playing the main accompaniment chords.  I could not get a hold of a guitarist for this performance, though, so I came up with a piano version instead.  It seemed to need a little something to lighten it up so I added a bongo drum to the mix. This song is called "Just Fine", but I also like to call it the "Sunshine" song.

Listen to "Just Fine", an original song by Catrina Baum, by clicking  HERE.

How about you?  Do you have any original songs with several different versions?  I would love to hear.  Please share.  Until next time... Happy Songwriting!

“Sun On White Background. Illustration” by lekkyjustdoit from www.freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Celine Rae

In my research this week I came across a producer from the Netherlands, Mike Attinger.  He is a composer/songwriter who arranges and records instrumentals for youtube artists.  I was impressed with all of his work.  One of the artists he has worked with is Dutch singer-songwriter Celine Rae.  Her single "He Said" was released on i-tunes last October.  Her youtube video of the original song has had over 10,000 views.  I was impressed with the "We Don't Talk Any More"video she worked on with Mike.  Check it out:

I am always on the lookout for upcoming artists who offer family friendly music.  Please let me know what you think about this week's artist AND if you know of anyone please comment below.  Until next time... Happy Songwriting!

Monday Memoirs: Living life to the Fullest

When I first started to pursue my long time dream of creating and making music, I was so overwhelmed that I would lie awake at night petrified at just the thought of performing in front of others; afraid of making the biggest mistake of my life by becoming the ultimate FOOL.  The only thing that helped me face this fear was deciding that even if I DID make a fool of myself it didn't matter because I would at least be living my life and fulfilling a dream that had been a part of my childhood heart for as long as I could remember.  What did it matter that I was 38 when I finally decided to face this fear.  I was ready for the figurative roller coaster ride of my life.  Now, almost 5 years later, I am amazed at where this path has taken me.  Starting off as a classically trained pianist, I had no idea that I would find myself creating modern pop/folk style music, including covers of top 40 songs as well as original songs, let alone recording them and sharing them publicly on sound cloud.  I especially never dreamed I would be making music videos to share on youtube.  This has all been, at times, a little more than I could fathom.  I just keep telling myself that I don't care if I seem like a fool.  Living life to the fullest is more important.

This month I would like to focus my blog posts on this topic of facing fears and pursuing dreams.  I would love to hear from you.  Do you have any dreams that require an extreme amount of courage to obtain?  How about dreams that took you a long time to decide to pursue?  I would love to hear all about them.  Please share.  Until next time.... Happy Song Writing.

“Error Stamp” by Stuart Miles from freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Olivia Penalva

I am just getting back into the routine of finding fresh, up coming, family-friendly talent, after taking a month off for spring break.  To my surprise, it didn't take me long to find a voice I loved from the moment I heard it.   She is singer/songwriter Olivia Penalva, who sings with her whole  heart.  The first song I ever heard her sing was cover of "One Call Away" by Charlie Puth, getting over 54,000 views on youtube.  This almost 17-year old girl from Canada, also just came out with a new, original song called, "Outshine the Stars" just two weeks ago.  Check it out below:

Please let me know if YOU want to share any new and upcoming, family-friendly talent.  I love it when you share your ideas with me.  Until next.... Happy Songwriting!!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Slow Motion Pieces of Me

Right now, I feel like pieces of my life have been thrown up in the air and millions of tiny shards  are falling down around me in slow motion.  Each piece seems to be going in a different direction and I, in a sloth like manner, am scrambling to gather them all to put back together again.

My attempt at songwriting, this morning, seemed to be just as difficult and slow in motion, and yet I still find myself wanting to keep track of these moments.  Every day, the good moments as well as the  bad ones, are a part of my life and my songwriting experience.  Each moment of each day has value.

When I first started writing a song this morning, I thought that I might have something worth sharing by the end of the day, but all the other millions of slow motion pieces of my life got in the way and I never returned to my morning attempts.  I am sure that something will come of it eventually, but not today.  Thankfully tomorrow is a new day with a whole 24 hours worth of opportunities.

How about you?  How does your life FEEL right now?  How are you fitting your songwriting hobby into your life?  Please share your experiences.  I would love to hear.

Until next time.... Happy Songwriting.

“Shattered Pieces” by Stuart Miles from freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Rylie S.

I had the privilege of meeting up with the very talented Rylie S. a few months ago.  once I heard her sing I knew her voice was in need of being shared.  At 17 years old, Rylie has a great desire to uplift all those around her with her music in any way she can.  She is an inspiration to me.  Check out the recording she did at my house this past week as part of a project for Easter.

To listen to "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul" click HERE.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wacky Wednesday Revision: Fight Song by Rachel Platten cover by Catrina Baum

As promised, here is my updated recording of "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten cover by Catrina Baum.  I know it is far from perfect, but that is not the point of doing Wacky Wednesday Challenge songs.  It's all about providing opportunity for learning and growth.

How about you?  Have you stretched yourself in the past few weeks?  Please share!!!  I would LOVE to hear what you are doing with their musical talents.  Until next time....Happy Songwriting!!

Click HERE to listen Fight Song by Rachel Platten cover by Catrina Baum

"Music Background Means Tune Melody And Harmony ” by Stuart Miles

Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring Break Announcement

Spring is in the air.  I can feel it.  Snow has turned to rain and wildlife is returning to my little part of the world.  My heart longs to get to work deeply cleaning my house and preparing for some important Spring season events.
As I prepare for the upcoming birthday of my daughter and other special family-time experiences, I have decided that I will be taking a break from blogging for the rest of the month of March.  My final post for March will be on Wednesday when I update my cover of the Fight Song by Rachel Platten.
I am not sure what kinds of creative ventures will happen over the next few weeks, but I am sure I will have something to share by the end of March.  I can't seem to help myself.  Music just seems to follow me wherever I go.  What a  blessing!!  I look forward to sharing when I return.  Until then..... Happy Songwriting!!!

“Orange Butterfly On Flower” by nipitphand

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Zac Love

I got the idea to hi-light the artist Zac Love because my 7-year old daughter absolutely loves one of his songs called "Nothing Can Separate Us".  It is one of her favorites right now.  It is a perfect family friendly song because it is all about the strengths that we can gain from being a part of a family.  Zac Love used to be a part of a boy band called Beyond 5.  They were a big hit in Asia.

As far as I can tell, this young man is now serving a 2 year church mission.   I am not sure that we will see much of his artistry in the immediate future, but I have high hopes that he will continue to create and share music once he has completed his mission.  Check out this beautiful song that he worked on with Beyond 5.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Memoirs: the Birth of a Song

It is my believe that each song has a spirit about it, just waiting to be born.  Whether it is a song waiting to be a cover song (kind of like an adoption) or an original song coming from deep within.  I never know if this delivery will be short, long, painful or easy.  Having said that, there is ALWAYS some kind of labor involved.  My song ideas, quite often, seem to have a mind of their own.  If I have an opinion of where I want them to go, sometimes they follow and sometimes they don't.  Yet, I do find myself disciplining my free spirited musical ideas when it comes to basic structural guidelines for songwriting.  Who knew that creating music could be so closely compared to parenting?

This past week I experienced some complications with the birth of my cover "Fight Song" by Rachel Platton.  It was not until the day after I published my Wacky Wednesday post, that I discovered I had actually messed up on one of the basic lyrics several times.  I am not sure what I was thinking, but  the mistaken word happens to be "fight" and the song is called the "Fight Song".  There is definitely a problem with that.  So, I hope you will all be patient as I give this baby the care it needs.  I do plan on sharing it once more, but it might be 2 weeks before I can.  I am swamped with local theatre musical director responsibilities until the end of next week.

This creative process is so much fun to share with all of you, though.  I find myself laughing at the whole thing even though I am still really embarrassed.  I hope you continue to enjoy this journey with me too.  How about you?  Do you have any stories of embarrassment in your creative endeavors?  Please do share.   I would also love to hear about any songwriting experiences you have had.    It brings me great joy to know that others are creating music just like me.  Until next time... Happy Songwriting!!

“Close Up Of A Pregnant Woman With Baby Letters On Her Hand” by David Castillo Dominici  from www.freedigitalphotos.net

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wacky Wednesday: Fight Song by Rachel Platten cover by Catrina Baum

WOOHOO!!!  I just finished a home recording of my cover for "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten.  This took a lot more energy than I thought it would.   I don't know how I seem to be getting more complicated with my Wacky Wednesday songs each time I put one together, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  This is my idea of true fun!!!  I would love to make this recording more perfect, but this is what I was able to manage in one week.  I hope you are able to enjoy it.  How about you?  Do any of you have a Wacky Wednesday posts to share??  Please leave a link in the comments below.
To listen to "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten cover by Catrina Baum click HERE.

Until next time... Happy Songwriting!!!

“Fireworks” by noppasinw from www.freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Charleene Closshey

Today I would like to hi-light a musician that I noticed after watching the move "An Evergreen Christmas".  She sings the closing song at the end of the movie.  I just love her voice.  After hearing her song I was able to find some of her music on sound cloud.  She is quite the talented, well rounded musician.  I hope you enjoy her music as much as I do.  Here is a video with the song that was featured in the move.  It is called "My Tennesse Home".

To watch her video click HERE.

“Appalachian Mountains From Mount Mitchell, The Highest Point In” by digidreamgrafix from freedigitalphotos.net

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Freshly Squeezed Creative Songwriting Juices

I have experienced a lot of ups and downs this past week, due to my homeschooling schedule.  My one and only student and son has a brilliant mind, but suffers with sleep deprivation, copes with a sensory disorder and autism and is currently fighting a bit of seasonal depression.  I never know what each new day will bring, especially in the heart of February when there is no telling where the human mind may wander.  Amid this instability I have felt a steady stream of creative, songwriting juices flowing in the direction of a cover song that I plan to share on Wednesday for the "Wacky Wednesday Challenge" post.  I am truly grateful that this project has brought me such respite from the emotional turmoil that has filled my heart as I have sympathized with and strived to encourage my dear, beloved boy.

My idea for this cover song actually came to me last Wednesday after my son suggested I give it a try.  I have not been able to stop thinking about it since.  It has taken over the songwriting part of my brain  preventing any other songwriting from taking place.  Today I am currently working on recording all of the parts and instruments for the song so that I can share it with all of you and still meet the Wacky Wednesday Challenge standards.  Be sure to check back in on Wednesday to hear a sound cloud recording of the new song.  :)

How about you?  In what direction have your creative songwriting adventures taken you this week?  Do any of you homeschool?  What trials or triumphs have you had this past week?  I would love to hear about it.  Please leave your comments below.  Until next time ...... Happy Songwriting!

“Fresh Orange Juice” by KEKO64 from freedigitalphotos.net

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wacky Wednesday: Guest Artist Becca Kuhnel

I am just SO pleased when someone takes on the challenge of coming up with their own cover song in one week for the Wacky Wednesday Challenge.  It is a great way to grow as a musician and so fun to share with others.

This week Becca Kuhnel took on the challenge by doing a cover of the song "Lay Your Burden Down" by John Allen.  I love the way she has taken an acoustic guitar part and made it into her own piano accompaniment with her own style.  So awesome!!!  I am looking forward to hearing more cover songs for the Wacky Wednesday Challenge.  How about you?  Have any of you done any cover songs for Wacky Wednesday.  Please share.

Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!

To listen to "Lay Your Burden Down" by John Allen cover by Becca kuhnel click HERE.

 “A Winter Landscape” by prozac1

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Christa Wells

I can't even remember for sure how I came across this incredible artist, but I am so glad I did.  Her sensitive lyrics fused together with haunting melodies are so touching and beautiful.  Every time I hear her sing I am grateful that she has taken the time to create and share her music.  I hope you enjoy Christa's music as much as I have.  Here is a youtube video of one of my favorite songs that she wrote called, "How Emptiness Sings".

How about you?  Do you have any artists that touch your heart in such a way that you want to thank them for creating music?  Please share.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Remembering Austin Strasser

It was just this past week that I got the idea that I could possibly share my original song, Moments and Memories, with my friend who lost her son when he was hit by a car last February.  I thought of her and her situation many times while writing the lyrics.  When I spoke with her about the song, we agreed that creating a video of pictures to go with the song would be a very loving way to remember him at the anniversary of his passing.

Austin died on February 14, 2015, just one week before his 4th birthday.  He is remembered as being one who loved everyone.  He is the source of inspiration for a recently formed community called Love 4 Austin.  All who want to join this community are encouraged to share random acts of love and kindness during the month of February, in honor of him (#Love4Austin).

It is my hope that you will be uplifted by the music and pictures of this sweet boy who lived such a short time upon this earth.  The precious memory of Austin Strasser will always be treasured.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Happy Valentines

Last October I was privileged to be able to hi-light the artist Whitney Lusk as one of my Take Note Tuesday blog posts.  I have brought her back again with the debut of her new song "Be Mine".  I absolutely love this original song of hers.  She is such an amazing artist and a lovely person.  I hope you enjoy the song.  Check out the youtube video below and then, if you get the chance, go buy her song on iTunes!!!  It is a great Valentines Day song.  :)

“Heart Message Means Valentine Day And Correspond” by Stuart Miles found at www.freedigitalphotos.net

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Music Therapy

This past week our family experienced quite a lot of emotional turmoil.  I was able to take great solace in listening to soothing music.  I listened to all kinds.  Some that helped me cry, some that helped me feel peace and others that just uplifted my heart.  One such song, was an original I worked on over the  weekend.  It is one that I am getting ready to share this summer, with my band One Horizon.  The lyrics tell me over and over again that things are "Gonna Be Alright... Just Fine". What a timely message for me in life, right now.  This song helps me relax and reminds me of sitting on a beach, smells of summer in the air, and sounds of nature all around.  AAHH!!  What a perfect getaway in the middle of winter.  :) 

To listen to a sample of the original song "Just Fine" by Catrina Baum click HERE

“Flip-flops” by fantasista from freedigitalphotos.net

How about you?  Do you find that music soothes your soul?  What songs have meant something to your healing?  Have you created any original songs that have helped you heal?  Please leave me a comment and share your musical experiences.  Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wacky Wednesday: Update

Due to some unforeseen circumstances in my family, I will be putting this particular post on hold for a while as things are sorted out.  I would be happy to post any Wacky Wednesday Challenges that others have been able to complete and might even post one or two of my own as I am able to, but my main focus needs to be in other areas right now.  Thank you for understanding.

As far as my other two regular posts (Monday Memoirs and Take Note Tuesday) , I am still going to try to keep those up on a regular basis so please stay tuned for next week's post.  Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Joyce Chu

One of the things that I absolutely love about blogging is the opportunity that it gives me to connect with people from all over the world.  Thanks to Jun Jie Yap's post on the Original Composition Community Page at Google plus I was able to discover an amazing singer/songwriter from Malaysia.  Her name is Joyce Chu.  What a delightful artist to watch and listen to.  I am not exactly sure what the lyrics of her original songs are, but I was impressed with the choice of one of her cover songs "Flashlight" by Jessie J.  Check out her cover below:

Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Moments of Memories by Catrina Baum

This weekend I spent my songwriting efforts on getting ready for a song that I would like to perform with my band One Horizon.  Here is a recording of the song I wrote called Moments of Memories.

How about you?  Do you have any songwriting projects that you were able to work on over the weekend?  Please share.  :)  Until next time... Happy Songwriting!

                      To listen to the song Moments of Memories by Catrina Baum click HERE.

“Photos Hanging” by scottchan

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wacky Wednesday: Release by Pearl Jam cover by Carolyn Brady

To listen to Release by Pearl Jam cover by Carolyn Brady click HERE.
I am so impressed with Carolyn Brady for being the first person to accept the Wacky Wednesday challenge.  Carolyn is also a member of the band One Horizon.  Her voice has such a beautiful, pure quality.  I love to hear her sing.  She likes to arrange and write her own original songs too.  Be sure to check out her new recording  .
To listen to Release by Pearl Jam cover by Carolyn Brady click HERE.

Flurry of Activity by Dallin B.

Wacky Wednesday Challenge: Better When I'm Dancin' Youtube Video

I just finished editing a youtube video for the song "Better When I'm Dancin'" by Meghan Trainor.  I hope you enjoy it.  Until next time... keep dancing and happy songwriting!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: City and Colour

My friend, Jen, referred me to this band last week.  I am impressed with their relaxed acoustic sound.  The name City and Colour is a recording alias for singer-songwriter Dallas Green who performs with different indie musicians on a regular basis.  Dallis Green is from Canada.  One of his most popular songs is called, "The Girl".  Take a listen.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Fresh Look at Photograph by Ed Sheeran

                      Click HERE to listen to Photograph by Ed Sheeran cover by Catrina Baum

Life around our house has been pretty lazy this weekend as both of my children have been sick with body aches and fever.  We don't usually watch a whole lot of T.V., but when everyone is feeling miserable I let the T.V. stay on all day long.

I have played the part of nursemaid the majority of the time, but when occasion has allowed it I have been able to sit at my computer to work on some recording.  The project of emphasis this weekend was a fresh look at a recording I tried to prepare for my Wacky Wednesday post a few months ago in November.  I have finally brought it to a point where I would like to share it.  This is not an original song, but a cover of the song "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran.  I hope you enjoy it.

Click HERE to listen to Photograph by Ed Sheeran cover by Catrina Baum

Photograph of Catrina Baum at age 4

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wacky Wednesday: Better When I'm Dancin' by Meghan Trainor cover by Catrina Baum

Click HERE to listen to "Better When I'm Danicin'" by Meghan Trainor cover by Catrina Baum

It has been another crazy week.  I almost didn't finish the song I was trying to wrap up last week, but it is now 10:15 PM and I think I feel that the song is good enough to submit for the Wacky Wednesday challenge without embarrassing me to tears.  I have learned SOOO much from this challenge.  The song I chose was especially difficult because it was faster than any other song I have submitted so far and it has more instruments than any other song I have recorded for Wacky Wednesday.  This is a rough draft for sure.  I had so much fun creating it, though.  I hope you are able to enjoy it as well.  Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!

“Silhouette Ballerina” by sattva at www.freedigitalphotos.net

Click HERE to listen to "Better When I'm Danicin'" by Meghan Trainor cover by Catrina Baum

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: The National Parks

Two weeks ago Jason Partridge left a comment about a band that he felt was worth drawing attention to.  I could not agree more.  Thanks for introducing them to me, Jason.  The name of this electronic folk pop  band is The National Parks.  I love the sound they create together.  They also have some beautiful videos to go with their music.  Check them out.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Memoirs: A Song from the Soundtrack of Life

For as long as I can remember I have had a personal soundtrack, of sorts, to accompany me throughout my life.  All the events of my life, from the major to minor, have had some sort of song to go along with it.  Where does this soundtrack come from?  Certainly not an 8 track cassette or even an MP3 download.  This soundtrack is all inside my mind.  Most songs are songs I have heard on the radio or played on the piano, but there are times when I have had songs that creep inside my mind that are all their own.  I am not even sure I can say that I have been the creator or composer of these exquisite beauties, but somehow they just seem to appear in my mind and follow me across a span of many days and then vanish, never to return.  One such song appeared in my mind this past Friday morning as I awoke for the day.  It was so hauntingly beautiful I quickly made my way to my piano so that I could record the sounds in my mind before they left me.  This is a sample of the song.  For now I am calling it "The Ghost of a Loved One".  Click HERE to listen to it.

“Creative Thinking Concept” by hyena reality from freedigitalphotos.net

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Wacky Wednesday: Bedtime/Lights Out

Talk about Wacky Wednesday.  This has been a crazy day and a pretty crazy week for me.  I thought I could make the Wacky Wednesday deadline for this challenge, but it is 9pm, now, and my kids are  in bed. My time for recording has ended.  I have found that life is a lot harder to juggle now that I am homeschooling my 12 year old.  Even if I am not ready to share anything today, I have learned a lot.  I think trying to do something like Wacky Wednesday in one week is very enlightening.  I would love to hi-light anyone else who might have accepted the challenge.  Please let me know when you come up with something in one week.  Until next time.... happy songwriting!

“Comet” by Keerati from www.freedigitalphotos.net

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: Tyler Ward

The first time I saw Tyler Ward was when I watched a  youtube video that he did with Tiffany Alvord.  One of my favorite videos on his channel is his cover of the Ed Sheeran song, "Thinking Out Loud".  I also really liked some of the values that he has and encourages others to try on some of his youtube videos.  Thanks, Tyler, for being so awesome!!!  I hope you are able to continue to keep the goals you have set for yourself.  Check Tyler Ward out by clicking below:

Monday Memoir Follow Up: "Because of Him"

Click HERE to listen to a sample of "Because of Him" by Catrina Baum

Here is a sample of the first verse and chorus to the song I spoke of yesterday in my Monday Memoir.  The song is called "Because of Him".  Please let me know what you think.  :)

Click HERE to listen to a sample of "Because of Him" by Catrina Baum

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Memoirs: January 11, 2016: Aloha & Mele Kalikimaka

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration.  I was in Hawaii for Christmas this year.  I have never done that before.  We had a great time.  While I was vacationing, I found myself waking up Christmas morning with some thoughts of a Christmas song.  I was focusing on the true meaning of Christmas and even though I did not have a piano to sit down to, I could hear the sound of the song in my mind and was excited to get back home to my piano.  It was one of those songs that just seemed to fall into place.

I want to share it with you all so badly, but I can't yet, because I left the damper pedal for my electric piano at the venue my band sang at on New Years Eve.  I will not be able to record the piano part for the song until a new one comes in the mail.  I plan on getting a recording on this post as soon as I can possibly put it together.

How about you, have you ever had a song that just seemed to fall into place?  Did you have any songwriting moments over the Christmas break?  Please share.  I would love to hear all about it.  Until next time... Aloha and Happy Songwriting!

“Hawaiian Sunrise” by Liz Noffsinger from www.freedigitalphotos.net

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

WaCkY WeDnEsDaY: Are You Up For the Challenge?

So, what is this Wacky Wednesday Challenge really all about anyways?  Well, it's really all about experimenting with music.  I am not sure how long this will last or how well it will go, but so far I have enjoyed seeing where the challenge has taken me.  I have definitely put myself out of my comfort zone more than once and it has paid off because in the end I have gained more knowledge about MUSIC (one of my greatest loves in life).

The experiment is this: Today I am going to pick a song to do a cover for and then see if I can come up with my own version in one week and record it so that I can share it with all of you next week.  Sound crazy??

As a follow-up to this experiment, the next consecutive Wednesday I plan to make some kind of music video to go with the chosen song to post on youtube.  In the end Wacky Wednesday will be a flip-flop from recording music to videotaping something to go with the song.  I would like to encourage anyone else who is interesed to try it.  It is kind of wacky to see what you can do with music in one week, but in the end I think it will be a great way to grow and learn.  I think the scariest part will be that I have to share the song or video in one week no matter what shape it might be in, even if it's not my favorite. 

What do you think?  Any one else up for the challenge??  I hope so.  I want to hear what others can do.  

As far as this week's post goes, I was so busy last week, practicing for a New Year's Eve show with my band One Horizon, I did not get a chance to do any Wacky Wednesday challenge for this week, but I do have some footage from one of the songs we played that night.  This is One Horizon's arrangement of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". I hope you enjoy it.  

Until next time.... Happy Songwriting!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Take Note Tuesday: What's It All About?

My "Take Note Tuesday" posts are regular posts I put on my blog to showcase up and coming artists who have family friendly songs and music that they are sharing on their youtube stations.  I also try to look for artists who want to create music for the joy of music.  It is so easy, in the music world, no matter what level you might be at, to get caught up in what is popular instead of what is meaningful.  Or sometimes, I think we can get so caught up in trying to LOOK good that we forget the real purpose of whatever it is we are trying to share.  I know I am guilty of this sometimes, but still, it is my goal to avoid creating things that are superficial or without substance.  If you feel the same I hope you will let me know your thoughts.  I think encouraging one another in this aspiration is most important.  Also, if you know of any music projects that fit this bill, please let me know as I am always on the look out for new ideas.  Until next time, Happy Songwriting!

Image downloaded from itsalovelylife.com

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday Memoirs: Let's Create!!!

With the New Year just begun, I thought this would be a good time to share some of my vision about "Monday Memoirs".  The purpose of my weekly "Monday Memoirs" post is to log my songwriting activities.  Sometimes, whatever I share might not be in the very best condition, but I am not going for polished.  I am just trying to capture what happens in my life as a songwriter who has a life full of many other interests and responsibilities.  It is my hope that it will be of interest and encouragement to someone out there in cyberspace who is also trying to develop their own ability to create weather it be music and songwriting or any other creation they might be developing.  I do love to connect on a creative level too, so I hope anyone who reads this will take the opportunity to share whatever it is they might have been working on.  Until next time, Happy Songwriting (or Happy Drawing, Painting, Videotaping, Picture Taking, Poetry Writing, Novel Writing, Cooking or whatever else you might be doing creatively).  :)

Image downloaded from www.quotationof.com