Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday Memoirs: November 15th Thinking of Rebecca Kuhnel

Image courtesy of Mister GC at

I have recently started to meet on a regular basis, with a friend of mine, who likes to write songs.  She has written several piano solos as well as a fully orchestrated piece.  I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her work.  Her name is Rebecca Kuhnel.  It is such a pleasure for me to explore diverse genres of music.  I find myself being inspired to continue with my work as I meet and listen to her work.  I do believe that meeting together on a regular basis with artists who desire to create music or any other form of art is truly inspiring and motivating.  I would like to share with you a sample of her work.  This song is called, "Jayne".  To hear this song click on the link: Jayne by Rebecca Kuhnel

I would love to hear some of the stories you have, of people you might meet with on a regular basis, who help you be motivated to create.  If you have not, as yet, had the opportunity of meeting with other creative artists, I would like to challenge you to give it a try and share your story.  Even if your first attempt is an epic fail, we all have to start somewhere, and I would love to hear about it.  Until next time.... Happy Song Writing.


  1. So happy you have enjoyed playing this piece. You render it with so much warmth and light! Everything I hear from you is expressed so deliberately, like every measure shares the most important message but conveys a distinctly different idea within the broader idea/theme of the song. I have a great deal yet to learn from long as you are willing. Meeting and discussing music and songwriting with you is definitely motivating and inspiring. I appreciate you so much! It's wonderful to have a friend who understands the beauty in creating music. You are so prolific, even with such limited time, you make every second, every measure count :). I have no doubt you will breeze through at least 100 new songs in the coming year. Looking forward to it! And looking forward to a little collaboration on a couple of those songs....

  2. Thank you, Rebecca. You are so sweet! I have really enjoyed learning and playing your original music, and look forward to more. I too am SOOO grateful for music. It really adds so much to life. :)
